There is an old adage that so grows the Sunday School so grows the church. Sunday School Plus is dedicated to bringing you Sunday School materials plus a wide variety of resources to help in all your studies.
Maximize your study time with The NET Study Bible and direct links to the lesson of the week. We've also included the link to eSword which is an exceptionally easy to use Bible study software that you can download to your computer and study offline. eSword is comparable to other Bible study software that cost hundreds of dollars and it is absolutely free.
If you have a smartphone and want to study or just read your Bible wherever you go then Olive Tree is a must visit site. Once you create an account you can download several Bibles and tons study materials and eBooks directly to your device for FREE. They also offer many Bibles, commentaries, and other study aids at reasonable prices.
Want to listen to some great sermons? Just go to Sermon Audio and check out their extensive collection of Biblically sound preaching by some of God's most ardent servants. Search by Bible book, topic, or preacher. Check your Blackberry, iPhone, or other Smartphone for the SermonAudio app and get nourished wherever you are.
It is my prayer and hope that you will come here often whether it's to prepare the lesson for the week or to study on your own. Let us contine to grow in our Christian walk until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fulness of Christ.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me at
If you prefer you can leave a comment.
To God be the glory...
Artemio G. Burns, Pastor